Better Kings Rules
More fun, less boring, always evolving
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2 - Most Likely To
A vote on who is “most likely to” to do something.
The card-picker thinks of a superlative starting with ‘Most likely to’ and shares it with the group.
For example, “Most likely to…”:
“to get arrested tonight”
“to text their ex.”
“fall in love with a stripper.”
The card-picker counts down “5, 4, 3, 2, 1…” and at “1” everyone points to the person they think is most likely to do it.
Madly-Beefy-Titan sized
3 - Celebri-Three
Rapid-fire name game with a timer.
The card-picker pulls out their phone, sets a timer for 3 minutes, and says the name of a famous person (fictional or real):
For example:
Ron Weasley
Julia Fox
Mr. Worldwide
Going clockwise, the next player then names a famous person whose first name starts with the first letter of the last name of the previous celebrity.
Draco Malfoy → Mariah Carey → Chapelle Roan.
Reverse order for single names (Beyoncé, Rihanna)
Reverse order for matching initials (Peter Pan, Severus Snape)
No repeats.
If no one knows the person, keep thinking.
Drink while you think.
Drink while you think.
Drink while you think.
Game ends once the 3 minutes are up. No winners, just losers—just keep drinking if you can’t think!
4 - Knuck Tat
Sharpie tattoo session with your neighbors as the artist.
Find a sharpie. The card-picker sticks out their fists while the players next to them each write a word on the hand.
No peeking or planning.
When they’re done, smash the fists together to reveal your tattoo for the night.
No limit to word length—feel free to get creative!
Congrats, you’re a work of art.
The card-picker sets a one-time trap for the group.
“The next person to laugh has to wear their socks on their hands”
“The next person to dance has to sit on the floor for five minutes”
“The next person to look at the card-picker has to sit under the table for 2 minutes.”
The first person to trigger the trap has to take 5 tiny little puny drinks then do the action, then it disappears forever.
The card-picker is immune to the trap so get sneaky :D
6 - Hot Seat
Answer six questions from the group or drink.
Lights, camera, Hot Seat. Popcorn style, the group asks the card picker 6 questions. Any questions. Keep it mild or crank the pressure and GO WILD.
What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
Whats your sex playlist called?
What would be the best way this night could end for you?
Answer all 6, and the card-picker gets to pass out 6 drinks.
Refuse any questions or get caught lying?
That’s a one way ticket to chug-town.
7 - Submissive
Congratulations, you’re everyone’s personal assistant until the next 7 is drawn.
FIRST: Take 7 little bitch sized drinks because your everyone’s bitch
THEN: pick a safe word to use if the requests get out of hand.
FINALLY: Do anything anyone asks of you until the next 7 is drawn.
“Pretend to be a cat for 5 minutes.”
“Grab us tequila shots,”
“Sing a love song to the host”
Your safe word is your only lifeline—good luck and have fun until the next 7 is drawn.
8 - Imitate
Perform an action and pass it on with a twist.
The card-picker starts by performing an action that fits the theme they choose.
They point to someone, who repeats the action, adds a new one, and passes it on. Etc. etc.
Keep going until someone messes up.
Dance moves
Lyrics from songs
Animal noises
9 - Huzzah
Stand up, toast, and rally the group with a cheer!
Stand up. Raise your glass and make a toast starting with “I’d like to propose a toast …”
DO: Make it funny. Make it heartfelt. Make it hype.
DON’T make it too long.
End your toast with a loud “Huzzah!” and drink and hope everyone joins in.
10 - Categories
Pick a Category and go around naming things in that category.
Pick a category, the weirder or fun-er the better. Examples:
Famous fictional couples.
Animals that start with “S.”
European Capital cities.
Car brands, beer brands, football times = first class flight to chugistan. Do better.
Going clockwise, each person names something that fits the category.
No repeats.
If someone repeats, stumbles, or runs out of ideas, they take a juicy drink and game is over.
VARIATION FOR PROFESSIONALS: When someone messes up, they get kicked out of the circle. Game continues until there is one champion left.
J - Roach Hunter
Pretend you’re passing a tiny roach and ask trivia questions.
Stay with us on this one ;)
The card-picker takes a dramatic pretend puff of a roach (tiny spliff).
The card picker asks the group a question with a real answer.
What’s a fruit that doesn’t have seeds.
What does aperture mean for photography?
Name a song off of Charlie XCX’s Brat.
First person to answer the question correctly gets the roach (pretend pass it). They take a hit, then ask the group another question.
The roach dies when the vibes are gone. At least five rounds recommended.
Can’t think of a question? Someone in the group could steal the roach from you by calling out “Roach Hunter!”
Q - Dominatrix
The card-picker is the boss until the next Queen is drawn.
First, pick your dominatrix name that everyone must call you until the next Queen is drawn. Mine is “Big Daddy”
Your word is law. Whatever you say goes.
Go get me cigarettes
I want to pick a different card
Daniel should drink instead.
Be creative, be fun, don’t be TOO MUCH of an asshole. Your reign could end soon.
K - Ello Gov’ner
Count to 13 as a group without messing up.
Start with “1” and popcorn-style, the group tries to make it to 13.
If two people say numbers at the same time, drink and start over.
Instead of “13” say “Ello Gov’ner” and the round is over.
Then makes a rule for the next round.
Everyone has to clap every time someone says “7”
Replace “2” with “moooooo”
PRO MODE: “6” and “9” are swapped to start.
A - Adventure
Choose mini-games for the group to play.
Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament: A 1v1 rock-paper scissors bracket. Single eliminate. There can only be one winner.
Rounds should be best of 3, finals best of 7.
Winner leads the group in a chant of their choice.
“Jerry” “Jerry” “Jerry” is my go-to.
Hot Take: Anyone in the group can volunteer to give the group a hot take (card-picker chooses who if there are multiple.
Player gives the hot take. Card picker says “100% agree” or “100% disagree” and let the hot-takee explain their take.
After debate, stage a vote if people agree or disagree- roman gladiator style, thumbs up thumbs down.
Joker - Death Card
Brace for impact.
Pick a mate and you each must finish your drinks.